Shamballa bracelet

What is shamballa bracelet?

What is a Shamballa bracelet
What is a Shamballa bracelet
  • for those who want to become financially independent, onyx, amethyst and rock crystal will do;
  • to achieve harmony in your personal life and improve your relationship with your partner: garnet, carnelian, rose quartz and malachite are the best choice;
  • if you want to improve your health and heal from illnesses – choose amber, citrine, jasper, onyx and charoite;
  • in case you need to attract luck and avoid unpleasant life situations – moonstone, aventurine, jade or malachite will help you;
  • to increase your reputation – choose cat’s eye, coral, rock crystal.
    Shamballa bracelets can be chosen not only according to your desires but also according to the zodiac sign. In this case, you need to be guided by the color of the beads:
  • red shamballa beads – suitable for Aries;
  • green – for Taurus;
  • combinations of yellow and light green, blue and white – for Gemini (these combinations of colors are best suitable for this sign);
  • pastel colors (milky, pink, pearly) – for Cancer;
  • orange and yellow – for Leo;
  • the color of pearls – for Virgo;
  • pink and peach shades – for Libra;
  • bright red – for Scorpio;
  • deep blue – for Sagittarius;
  • Black, brown and their combinations – for Capricorn;
  • blue or light blue – for Aquarius;
  • Lilac and purple for Pisces.
Shamballa bracelet DIY
What is a Shamballa bracelet
  • with shirts of any color (but office blouses are not a good idea);
  • with open summer dresses (but by no means evening dresses);
  • with T-shirts and tank tops;
  • with skirts of any length;
  • with jeans and shorts;
  • with hippie style accessories: leather arm bands, bracelets, feather earrings, various pendants, etc.
Shamballa bracelet diy